Flower Thank You!!

Flower Thank You!!

Well, it is cold here in Iowa.  Surprisingly enough we do not have snow here yet.  That is kind of a scary thought cause that means that we are gonna get hit hard in January or February!!!! I sure hope I am wrong cause I could go all winter without...
Thank You!!!

Thank You!!!

I am packing as I am getting ready to go to Minnesota for the long four day weekend.  My husband gets Friday off so we are going to leave tomorrow after we get off work.  This week has been kinda rainy and it is forecasted to be rainy where we are...
Hot and Humid!

Hot and Humid!

I am blogging today from the HOT and HUMID state of Iowa.  We went last week from a low humidity to about 90%.  This girl does not do well with humidity.  My hair especially does not like it. So I decided since it is so yucky out I would stay downstairs...
Thanks Big Time

Thanks Big Time

Aloha,  Today I am blogging from Hawaii.  My husband had to come here to work so I decided to tag along.  I had never been here, so it was a once in a lifetime chance.  I am so glad I came along.  The weather here is absolutely gorgeous....
Dahlia Thanks

Dahlia Thanks

Today is CASE-ing Tuesday.  The layout was a very simple one layer card.  The sample is square but I don’t ever do square cause than I would have to find a square envelope (or make one) and who has time for that. LOL.   I changed mine into an...
CASE-ing Tuesday #127

CASE-ing Tuesday #127

Today I am blogging from Texas.  We are all here from Iowa visiting our daughter who is stationed in Texas.  Both she and her husband are in the Air Force. It has been a whirlwind but I wouldn’t want it any other way.  This is a quick and...