Case-ing Tuesday

Case-ing Tuesday

Today is another casing Tuesday.  I had a hard time with this one.  I will be honest, I kinda waited until the last minute.  I was so busy last week that I just don’t know where the time went.  But that is the beauty of casing a card. ...
Dahlia Thanks

Dahlia Thanks

Today is CASE-ing Tuesday.  The layout was a very simple one layer card.  The sample is square but I don’t ever do square cause than I would have to find a square envelope (or make one) and who has time for that. LOL.   I changed mine into an...
CASE-ing Tuesday

CASE-ing Tuesday

It is COLD here in Iowa.  We have had some days that without windchill it was -20.  Yes, that is not a speck on your screen, that negative sign is correct.  When it is that cold, I just want to stay in and never leave (well until Spring). So when...
CASE-ing Tuesday

CASE-ing Tuesday

Today is another card that I enjoyed making for the CASE-ing Tuesday group.  Sometimes I get stuck on what to work on.  That is why I am having such a fun time working with the CASE-ing Tuesday group.  They give us a card and we just CASE...
CASE-ing Tutesday #128

CASE-ing Tutesday #128

Today was another CASE-ing Tuesday.  The one on the left was the one we were to copy and the one on the right is my version.  This is a quick and easy card for a wedding.  I figured I better start working on wedding cards as the season is quickly...
CASE-ing Tuesday #127

CASE-ing Tuesday #127

Today I am blogging from Texas.  We are all here from Iowa visiting our daughter who is stationed in Texas.  Both she and her husband are in the Air Force. It has been a whirlwind but I wouldn’t want it any other way.  This is a quick and...